Lindsey Zonee Clark
Owner of Beauty by Lindsey Zoneé
Lindsey Zoneè Clark better known as Lindsey Zoneé was born September 6, 1990 . Lindsey clark is from Fort Lauderdale, Florida Lindsey is a mother of two beautiful children Marcus and Iyanna and raised by two amazing parents Angela and Coleman Hall. Lindsey is a licensed cosmetologist, an entrepreneur and successful business Owner of Beauty by Lindsey Zoneé LLC , Zoneé Beauty LLC and several other businesses. With several years in the beauty industry Lindsey decided to create her own lane by becoming a makeup artist. Makeup artistry has become a very successful avenue for Lindsey. She’s been published in several magazine articles , she’s worked with celebrities and has also been involved with non profit organizations to help young women like her exceed their expectations and go after their dreams. Lindsey Zonee is a advocate for self love , a promoter for self acceptance and an overall influencer for getting yourself back after letting yourself go.